Claudia García Premio de Investigación Matemática Vicent Caselles 2023
Los Premios de Investigación Matemática Vicent Caselles los otorga la Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) y la Fundación BBVA ...

Workshop: Ecological dynamics and perturbations across systems and scales
Granada, 15& 16June 2023 Understandingtheabilityofecologicalcommunitiestowithstandandrecoverfrom disturbances/perturbationsis crucial to...

BIOMAT: Martina Conte (Politecnico de Torino)
Professor Martina Conte from the Politecnico de Torino has taught a course on "Modeling glioblastoma dynamics" within the framework of...

BIOMAT: Vincent Calvez (Université Lyon 1)
Professor Vincent Calvez from the University of Lyon / CNRS has taught a course from May 22 to 26 within the framework of the BIOMAT...