Ciclo de Conferencias
La unidad de investigación Modeling Nature (MNat) - ( ) - en colaboración con el Programa de Doctorado...
International symposium on Predictive Ecology in a Warming World
Predictive Ecology in a Warming World Symposium
Asimetría entre las cinemáticas de calentamiento y enfriamiento en sistemas microscópicos
Un equipo de investigadores de la U.E. Modeling Nature de la Universidad de Granada, en sinergia con el Max Planck Institute for...
The University of Granada the first in research in Mathematics in Spain
The University of Granada leads the Shanghai ranking of Spanish universities in research in Mathematics. The effort made by MNat in this...
María Paniagua Sancho, PhD joined Modeling Nature
Project as a postdoctoral fellow. Her primary focus will be on investigating cell communication and tumor dynamics, delving into the...
David Nicholas Reynolds, PhD joined Modeling Nature
David Nicholas Reynolds has recently joined the Modeling Nature Project as a postdoctoral fellow. He will be working within the Applied ...
Saloni Sharma, PhD joined Modeling Nature
Saloni Sharma has recently joined Modeling Nature as a postdoctoral fellow, thanks to the QUALIFICA program of the Junta de Andalucía....
The evolution of same-sex sexual behaviour in mammals
An interesting paper by a MNat team has appeared in Nature Communications. Gómez, J.M., Gónzalez-Megías, A. & Verdú, M. Nat Commun14,...
Forecasting thermal mortality in aquatic ectotherms
Confirming what was previously proposed, aquatic invertebrates display a notably limited tolerance to increased temperatures in river...
Nanopartículas, extraídas del residuo de la aceituna, para el tratamiento de tumores
El estudio ha sido realizado por un equipo de científicos liderado por Francisco Galisteo González, coordinador del grupo de...