Asimetría entre las cinemáticas de calentamiento y enfriamiento en sistemas microscópicos
Un equipo de investigadores de la U.E. Modeling Nature de la Universidad de Granada, en sinergia con el Max Planck Institute for...

Forecasting thermal mortality in aquatic ectotherms
Confirming what was previously proposed, aquatic invertebrates display a notably limited tolerance to increased temperatures in river...

Understanding the keys to thermal adaptation in populations along latitudinal gradients
Ignacio Peralta-Maraver, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Ecology and a member of Modeling Nature, has co-led a novel...

Promoting Creativity in Science Students
A fundamental pillar of science is the scientific method. Another one is creativity. Creativity is an evolved cognitive mechanism for...

Within-individual phenotypic plasticity in flowers fosters pollination niche shift
Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a genotype to produce different phenotypes in response to changes in the environment. This is an...