Lázaro René Izquierdo Fábregas has been ranked first in the María Zambrano-senior 2022 contracts.
This contract guarantees a stable job that can be consolidated within MNat. Congratulations! https://investigacion.ugr.es/recursos-humano...
David Poyato obtains a Marie Curie and a Ramón y Cajal-junior contracts 2021
These contracts guarantees a stable job that can be consolidated within MNat. Congratulations! https://www.aei.gob.es/convocatorias/busca...
Claudia Garcia ranked first in the Juan de la Cierva-juniors 2021 contracts
Research in Mathematics at the University of Granada very well placed in the Shanghai ranking
MNat has fundamentally contributed to placing the mathematics produced at the UGR in an internationally relevant position, receiving new...