modeling nature from nano to macro
First meeting on Biophysical approaches to exopolymeric particle dynamics in aquatic ecosystems
Universidad de Granada, June 26th-27th
Organized by Juan Calvo, Juan de Vicente, Isabel Reche and Juan Soler
The role and dynamics of exopolymer particles released by phytoplankton and bacteria in the global carbon cycle still have several knowledge gaps. Exopolymer particles can interfere with the exchange of gases at the water-atmosphere interface and can also promote the export of carbon to deep-sea or lake sediments and store it on a long-term scale. An alternative approach to analyzing the behaviour and fate of exopoymeric particles is the theory of polymer networks and gels. This meeting brings together leading experts in the dynamics of exopolymer particles in aquatic ecosystems along with biophysicists and mathematicians with the aim of exploring modeling possibilities to advance the understanding of the
global carbon cycle from an interdisciplinary point of view.
Photo credit: Villacorte et al. 2010
Wednesday 26 (Sala de Juntas)
09:15-10:00 -Opening statement: Biophysical approaches to exopolymeric particle dynamics in aquatic ecosystems (Isabel Reche)
10:00-10:45 -Oliver Wurl (Institute of Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg): The biofilm-like
sea surface
10:45-11:30 - Coffee break
11:30-13:30 - Discussion
13:30-16:00 -Lunch time
16:00 onwards
Jesús Carlos Puebla (IESMAT S.A.): Difracción láser-Mastersizer
Francisco López (IESMAT S.A.): Dynamics light scattering y M3-Pals- Zetasizer Ultra
Equipment demos (Mastersizer + Zetasizer)
Thursday 27 (Sala de audiovisuales)
9:15-10:00 -Morten Iversen (MARUM research faculty, Universität Bremen): The role of aggregate composition for carbon flux and attenuation
10:00-10:45 -Francisca Martínez-Ruiz (Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra): The role of exopolymeric substances in mineral precipitation: implications for the geological record and Earth System evolution
10:45-11:30 -Recap (Juan Calvo) and coffee break
11:30-13:30 - Discussion and drafting
13:30-16:00 -Lunch time
16:00 onwards
Francisco López (IESMAT S.A.): Multiple light scattering-Turbiscan
Equipment demos (Turbiscan)
The event will be held at Facultad de Ciencias of the University of Granada.
In purple Sala de Juntas and Sala de audiovisuales
Registration is free but compulsory for administrative purposes.
If you want to register to this activity please send an email to:
Including your name and your institution.
Sponsored by MNat research unit (UCE.PP2017.03)