modeling nature from nano to macro
Granada, Spain
17 - 28 September 2018
Cell Communication and Tumor Growth
Mathematical Models and Methods in Life Sciences
Effective Scientific Communication. Creativity in Science
Modeling Bio-Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles, and Synthetic Biology
Complex Adaptive Systems at Multiple Scales in Evolutionary and Global Ecology
Mathematical Models of Vision
Workshop of Young Researchers
Presentation of the school
This school arose from the need of PhD students of acquiring an interdisciplinary knowledge that allows them to deal with scientific problems of current interest and social relevance that combine the points of view of mathematical modeling, complexity, ecological networks, bioinformatics, physics of new materials, developmental biology, synthetic biology, and tumour dynamics. The purpose is to give an added value to each specific field, placing it in the most up-to-date cutting-edge research. In this proposal of the International Doctoral School, professors from different PhD programs are included in both the
• Doctoral School of Health Sciences
• Doctoral School of Sciences, Technologies and Engineering Specifically, professors of the following UGR PhD programs
• Biomedicine
• Fundamental and Systems Biology
• Physics and Space Sciences
• Physics and Mathematics (FisyMat)
• Civil Engineering
along with international specialists in these fields, form the teaching team of this PhD school. Therefore, the area of interest is broad and socially as well as scientifically relevant. It is framed in a well-reputed international context, where this type of multidisciplinary schools has experienced a growth boom. In this direction, the main objective is to incorporate this line of multidisciplinary training to the UGR Doctoral School.
General description and scope
This school is based on the interaction between mathematical models, numerical simulations and big data analysis in order to address fundamental and applied problems, or to unite problems concerning tumor dynamics, ecology, development biology, biomechanics, physics of new materials or synthetic biology. This niche of interdisciplinary research in which the capacity of predictive modeling is combined with experimentation is increasingly relevant in the landscape of international research, as evidenced by the increase of its own space (including complete journals) in the most prestigious publishing houses like Nature or Science.
The final objective of this Doctoral School is to achieve an interdisciplinary, internationally competitive training that allows doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to reach the excellence and versatility required in the best-level work, inside and outside the academic structures. The educational program of the school is based on:
• Cell Communication and Tumor Growth
• Modeling Bio-Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles, and Synthetic Biology
• Complex Adaptive Systems at Multiple Scales in Evolutionary and Global Ecology
• Mathematical Models and Methods in Life Sciences
• Scientific Effective Communication. Creativity in Science
• Mathemathical Models of Vision
• Workshop of Young Researchers
In the workshop of young researchers and throughout the different sessions, or in a special poster session, participants are called upon to present their first results. The student-teacher interaction will be one of the pillars of this school and various meetings / round tables have been programmed, focused on promoting brainstorms and collaborations in the fields related to the different thematic sessions, as well as a special session on science communication: "Scientific Effective Communication. Creativity in Science".
The school is centred on six sessions built around six respective multidisciplinary topics described below. Each session consists of two courses of about 3-5 hours plus some one-hour seminars.During the school, we will develop a workshop of young researchers. This workshop is oriented to young researchers to present their recent research and to interact with professors, which is one of the bases of this school.Here you can consult the list of professors of the school.
Cell Communication and tumor growth
Isabel Guerrero (CBM, CSIC-UAM. Madrid): Mechanisms of cell-cell communication during development
Juan Antonio Marchal (Universidad de Granada): Stem cells and cancer: a translational approach
Michael Hackenberg (Universidad de Granada): Bioinformatics in cancer research
Javier Oliver (IPB-CSIC): Tumor microenvironment and metastasis
Macarena Perán Quesada (Universidad de Jaén): Applications of iPSCs in basic and transitional cancer research
Manuel Picón Ruiz (Universidad de Miami): Obesity and adverse breast cancer risk and outcome
David Poyato (Universidad de Granada): Modeling the transport of morphogens along moving cytonemes
Modeling Bio-Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles, and Synthetic Biology
Tommaso Bellini (University of Milan): DNA for nanomaterial science
Ángel V. Delgado (Universidad de Granada): Magnetic hyperthermia and drug delivery: synergies
Guillermo de la Cueva Méndez (BIONAND, Málaga): Synthetic Biology and Nanotechnology: game-changing
Francisco Gámiz (Universidad de Granada): Nanoelectronics: the art of controlling electrons
Gema Jiménez (Universidad de Granada): Bioinks and Bioprinting in regenerative medicine
Juan de Vicente (Universidad de Granada): Physics of Magnetic Fluids
Complex adaptive systems at multiple scales in evolutionary and global ecology
Luis J. Gilaranz (EAWAG): Structure and dynamics of complex networks: theory, experiments, and data synthesis
Isabel Reche (Universidad de Granada): Biophysical approaches to exopolymer particles in aquatic ecosystems
Roberto Rusconi (Humanitas University, Milano): Experiments and modelling of the microscale interactions of microbes with their environment
Rafael Rubio de las Casas (Universidad de Granada): Spacetime gardens: conceptual and empirical approaches to plant evolutionary ecology
Mathematical models and methods in life sciences
Nicola Bellomo (Politecnico of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto): Modeling Crowd Dynamics by Kinetic Theory Methods
Juan Calvo (Universidad de Granada): Long time behaviour for some polymerization models
Seung Ha (Universidad de Seoul): Unified approach for the aggregation, flocking and synchronization
Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin (University of Maryland): Selection-mutation models
Juan M. Melchor (Universidad de Granada): Interaction between ultrasound and tumors
Alfonso Ruiz (U. Oviedo): Understanding the spatial variable in Ecology
Guillermo Rus (Universidad de Granada): Interaction between ultrasound and tissues
Effective Scientific Communication. Creativity in Science
Jean-Luc Doumont (Principiae, Belgium), Making the most of your presentation
Francisco Perfectti & Isabel Reche (Universidad de Granada):
1) The process of transition from a student to a scientist
2) From individual to collective creativity in Science
Mathematics Models of Vision
Davide Barbieri (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): Mathematical models of vision
Giovanna Citti (Universidad de Bolonia): Mathematical models of vision
Workshop of Young Researchers
David Aragonés (U. Castilla la Mancha) A biokinetic model for surface flow constructed wetlands. Asymptotic approximation and treatment area optimization
Manuel Cambón (Universidad de Granada): Analysis of signal interaction and competition in genetic activation processes
Carlos Chocarro Wrona (Universidad de Granada): Skin 3D Bioprinting
Martina Conte (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics): A multiscale model for glioma spread and its interactions with the underlying nervous tissue
Elena López Ruiz (Universidad Pablo de Olavide): Interaction of cells with chimeric citokines and 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering purposes
Mario Veruete (Université de Montpellier): Evolutionary branching via replicator-mutator equations
Inscriptions and Grants (closed)
Inscription fee: 200 Euros
The inscription fee has to be paid before July, 20th, by transfer to:
Universidad de Granada: CIF: Q1818002F
Bank name: Bankia
IBAN: ES89 2038 3505 3664 0000 5794
Please specify in the transfer data your NAME, topic MNatSchool, and the code 30B4081102.
After July 20th, the inscription fee will be 250 Euros.
The deadline for the reduced inscription fee will be delayed for participants applying for a grant, accordingly with the awarding date of the grant.
Please, fill in the registration form below and send us your data together with a copy of the transfer to kinetic[at] (including the word "MNatSchool" in the subject).
Registration (closed)
If you are planning to attend the courses, please, send us the following data to kinetic[at] (including the word "MNatSchool" in the subject). In order to complete your registration, you have to send us also a copy of the payment of the inscription fee.
There are 15 grants (registration and/or accommodation for up to 13 days) for students interested in attending the MNat PhD School.
To apply for it please send us the registration form below and attach a curriculum vitae in PDF format, before 15th July.
Workshop young researchers
If you are a young researcher (PhD student or recent postdoc) and you are also interested in participating as speaker in the Workshop of Young Researchers, please submit your abstract (by email to kinetic[at] including the word "MNatSchool" in the subject) using a TeX file together with your curriculum vitae in PDF format, BEFORE July 15th.
Practical information
Sala de Conferencias FisyMat, Facultad de Ciencias,
Universidad de Granada
Some hotels around the congress building that might be of your interest:
Granada Center **** (Av. Fuentenueva s/n)
Don Juan *** (C/ Martínez de la Rosa, 9)
Gran Hotel Luna de Granada **** (Plaza Manuel Cano, 2)
Macia Cóndor **** (Av. de la Constitución, 6)
Meliá Granada **** (C/ Ángel Ganivet, 7)
"La casa de la Trinidad" **** (C/ Capuchinas, 2)
Vincci Granada **** (Av. Constitución, 18)
Villa Oniria **** (C/ San Antón, 28)
About the School
Chair of the organizing committee
Juan Soler (Universidad de Granada)
Organizing committee
Nicola Bellomo (Politecnico di Torino)
Giovanna Citti (Universidad de Bolonia)
Ángel V. Delgado (Universidad de Granada)
Juan Antonio Marchal (Universidad de Granada)
Local organizing committee
The organizing committee is part of this committee together with
Juanjo Nieto (Universidad de Granada)
Francisco Perfectti (Universidad de Granada)
Isabel Reche (Universidad de Granada)
Manuel Ritoré (Universidad de Granada)
Guillermo Rus (Universidad de Granada)
Pedro Torres (Universidad de Granada)
List of participants
Aixa Aguilera (U. Granada)
Renato Andrade (IFT-Unesp, Brazil)
David Aragonés (U. Castilla la Mancha)
Tommaso Bellini (U Milano)
Davide Barbieri (U. A.utónoma de Madrid)
Nicolla Bellomo (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Adnane Boukhouima (U. Hassan II)
Juan Calvo (U. Granada)
Manuel Cambón (U. Granada)
Chuqi Cao (U. Paris Dauphine)
Mariano G. Caruso (U. Granada)
Esmeralda Carrillo Delgado (U. Granada)
Carlos Chocarro Wrona (Ibimer-Ugr)
Martina Conte (BCAM, Spain)
Rafael Lopes Paixão Da Silva (IFT-Unesp, Brazil)
Guillermo de la Cueva Méndez (BIONAND, Málaga)
Giovanna Citti (U. Bologna)
Ángel V. Delgado (U. Granada)
Jean-Luc Doumont (Principiae, Belgium)
Caroline Franco (U. Sao Paulo State)
Francisco Gámiz (U. Granada)
Claudia García (U. Granada)
Manuel Garzón (U. Granada)
Luis J. Gilarranz (EAWAG, Dübendorf)
Gianmarco Giovannardi (U. Bologna, Italy)
Isabel Guerrero (CBM, CSIC-UAM)
Seung Ha (U. Seoul)
Michael Hackenberg (U. Granada)
Naoufel Hatime (U. Sultan Moulay Slimane, Morocco)
Manuel Hurtado Estévez (U. Granada)
Piere-Emmanuel Jabin (U. Maryland)
Gema Jiménez (U. Granada)
José María López-Belinchón (U. Castilla la Mancha)
José Luis López Fernández (U. Granada)
Elena López Ruiz (U. Pablo de Olavide)
Juan Antonio Marchal (U. Granada)
Daniel Martínez-Moreno (U. Granada, CIBM, Ibimer)
Juan M. Melchor (U. Granada)
Mauricio Misquero (U. Granada)
José Rafael Morillas Medina (U. granada)
Juanjo Nieto (U. Granada)
Javier Oliver (IPB-CSIC)
Víctor Ortega (U. Granada)
Nisrine Outada (U. Pierre et Marie Curie)
Macarena Perán Quesada (U. Jaen)
Francisco Perfetti (U. Granada)
Manuel Picón Ruiz (U. Miami, Miami)
David Poyato (U. Granada)
Isabel Reche (U. Granada)
Manuel Ritoré (U. Granada)
Rafael Rubio de las Casas (U. Granada)
Alfonso Ruiz (U. Oviedo)
Roberto Rusconi (Humanitas University, Milano)
Guillermo Rus (U. Granada)
Óscar Sánchez (U. Granada)
Erik Skibinsky (U. Granada)
Juan Soler (U. Granada)
Gianmario Sorrentino (U. Cambridge)
Pedro Torres (U. Granada)
Mario Veruete (U. Montpellier)
Juan de Vicente (U. Granada)
Mohamed Zagour (U. Cadi Ayyad, Morocco)