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Pedro Carmona


Pedro Carmona Sáez obtained his PhD in 2007 from the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, working at the Biocomputing Unit (National Center for Biotechnology-CSIC) in the development

of new data mining techniques to extract biological knowledge from large biological datasets.

He completed part of his PhD project at the Institute for Information Technology (National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa) and the Broad Institute (MIT and Harvard University), Cambridge, USA.


After completing the PhD, he worked I both, academic and enterprise settings. He was recruited by Integromics SL, a spin-off Bioinformatics company, to head the R&D department and lead the functional development of software solutions for genomics and transcriptomics data. In 2009 he joined the Group of Architecture and Technology of Computing Systems at the Complutense University of Madrid where he coordinated a research project to develop new systems for exploiting public gene expression datasets and discovering connections among experimental phenotypes. 

In 2013 he moved to Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research (GENYO) in Granada, to lead the Bioinformatics Unit and since 2020 he is an assistant professor at the Statistical and OR department at the University of Granada. In 2018 he was visiting researcher at the Computational Biomedicine at Heidelberg University and RWTH Aachen University, Germany. 


His main research lines are focused on the application of machine learning and statistical methods for multi-omics data integration to decipher the molecular basis of complex diseases ( He has participated in more than 15 projects, including five international projects, and has published 53 papers and book chapters, including 46 JCR papers that have more than 2300 accumulated citations. He has served as a member of organizing or scientific committee of international bioinformatics conferences, project evaluator in regional and national calls and he is Associated Editor of three JCR Journals.

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