modeling nature from nano to macro
Juan de Vicente
Juan de Vicente received a B.Sc. degree in Physics from University of Granada (UGR) in 1998 with highest honors. In 1999 he received a FPU Predoctoral Fellowship. During his Ph.D. studies he carried out long-term research stays at the Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée, University of Nice (CNRS. France), Chemical Engineering Department and Rheology Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), and Vakgroep Reologie Faculteit Technische Natuurkunde, Universiteit Twente (The Netherlands). In 2000 he received the Research Award in Physics from the Academy of Mathematical, Physico-chemical and Natural Sciences for his investigations on magnetorheological (MR) fluids. He received two Ph.D. degrees in Physics from the UGR and the University of Nice with highest honors, European Mention and Extraordinary Doctorate Awards.
In February 2003 he received an EU-funded Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at Product Microstructure Unit & Corporate Research (Unilever, UK) and Imperial College London (ICL, UK). He was appointed Academic Visitor at the Tribology Group (ICL) from 2003 to 2005. During this period, he leaded a research project in collaboration between Unilever R&D and ICL. In 2005 he received the outstanding Unilever Corporate Review Award.
In March 2005 he received a Marie Curie ERG Fellowship (VIFP, EU) and joined the Department of Applied Physics at the UGR. At that time he started a new research line on Tribo-Rheology of Magnetic Fluids. He has led 15 research projects on the subject (>2.5 M€), funded by EU programs, Spanish Ministry (Materials Division) and Junta de Andalucía. In total he has participated in 41 Projects and 15 Industrial Contracts (Total Marketing Services, Maxamcorp Holding S. L., Unilever R&D, PDVSA, Repsol-YPF, Kolmer S.A., Rylesa, Polymat, Y-Flow and Operon). He has been advisor of three MSCA postdoctoral fellows: (EF-ST)-H2020-MSCA-IF-2017-Grant 795318, 2018-Grant 840195 and 2020-Grant 101030666. He has received the Research Award in Physics from the Academy of Mathematical, Physical-Chemical and Natural Sciences (2000), the Unilever Corporate Review Award (2005), the Outstanding Young Investigator Award from the Social Council (2008) and the Excellence in Research Award from the Vice-Rector's Office for Scientific Policy and Research at the University of Granada (2010).
He is the head of the Magnetic Soft Matter Group and the Director of The Singular Laboratory of Advanced Technologies F2N2lab at the UGR. His publication record contains peer-reviewed JCR papers (148, 30 D1), book chapters (33), patents (7, 2 PCT), books (5) and conference papers (204). 1 “Highly Cited Paper” (Soft Matter), 6 “Review papers” (Nanomaterials x2, e-rheo-iba, ChemPhysChem & Soft Matter x2), 2 “Invited papers” (J. Rheol. & Rheol. Acta), 2 “Cover papers” (J. Rheol. & Soft Matter), 3 invited papers for special issues (J. Rheol., Rheol. Acta & Soft Matter), 1 “Recommended paper” (Soft Matter), 1 “Featured paper” (J. Rheol.), 1 “Influential Article. Highly-cited article” (J. Rheol.), 1 “Highlight” (Smart Mater. Struct.), 1 “Hot Paper” (Soft Matter) and 1 “Kaleidoscope” (Phys. Rev. E).
He has been appointed as external advisor of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO Holland), REPRISE - MIUR - CNGR (Italian Ministry of Education), Romanian National Council, Latvian Council of Science, Czech Science Foundation, Academy of Finland, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Government Agency of National Science Centre (NCN Poland) and also evaluator for the AEI, ANEP and ANECA.
He has served as external evaluator of international PhD Theses and Tenure / Promotions at EU and US Universities. He is member of the Editor Panel of a total of 16 International Journals (e.g. Rheologica Acta and Frontiers in Materials) and serves as reviewer of >80 JCR journals. Currently, he is member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Society of Rheology and the Spanish Group of Colloids and Interfaces (RSEF & RSEQ). Since 2021 he is Editor of Applied Rheology. He has been advisor of 15 Master Dissertations and 10 PhD Theses. He currently supervises global MSCA, Juan de la Cierva Incorporación and Athenea3i postdoctoral fellows. He has participated in Committees of 7 International Conferences and has given Plenary Lectures in the most prestigious Conferences in MR fluids (e.g. 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2019 ERMR International Conferences). He is member of the International Organizing Committee of the International Conference on ER Fluids and MR Suspensions (since 2018), Member of the International Scientific Committees of RICI and ECIS (2022) and Member of the International Advisory board of the International Congress on Rheology (2023).