modeling nature from nano to macro
Angel V. Delgado
Angel V. Delgado is Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Granada. He has been involved during almost 40 years in the investigation of the physical properties of colloidal particles, or nanoparticles in present and more precise terminology. His work has involved particle synthesis with precisely determined size and shape, and with different nature, going from polymeric to inorganic, oxides or metals, dielectric or magnetic, and so on. The properties investigated are surface charge, dipole moment, electrophoresis, conductivity,... of the particles, but also of their suspensions, including viscosity, yield stress, electroacoustic, birefringence or dielectric, to mention a few.
From the applied perspective, most investigations have dealt with magnetic micro- or nano- particles. Thus, he has worked on the rheology of the suspensions known as magnetorheological fluids, and the design of devices where the fast response of these fluids to the action of magnetic field constitutes their peculiar advantage over other field-responsive systems. Particular mention deserves the fabrication of magnetic dampers and the preparation of the fluids suitable for them. A significant effort has been devoted to the wide biomedical field; particularly to the synthesis of nanostructures devised for drug transport and controlled release. A great extent of such investigation involved magnetic nanoparticles, suited for both controlled driving and location at the site of action by means of magnetic gradients and for local hyperthermia. The possible application of both approaches to cancer treatment is in the very basis of the research efforts dedicated to this field.
In recent years he has also participated in an European FP7 project (CAPMIX) whose objectives were the application of his experience in electrical double layer characterization to the production of clean (blue) energy based on capacitive methods. This research is also the topic of a Spanish National Research Plan grant for which he is principal investigator.
All these research activities allowed him to publish over 200 papers and books or book chapters, and to be advisor or co-advisor to more than twenty Ph.D. students. Additionally, he has served as member of the Editorial Board of the international Journal of Colloid Interface Science, published by Elsevier, and he is presently carrying out a similar task for Scientific Reports, from the Nature Publishing Group.
Ángel Delgado teaches Solid State Physics and General Physics for Physics students in Granada, as well as Nanoparticle Science for the Master students in Physics. He is al presently coordinator of the Physics and Space Science Ph.D. Program of the University of Granada.