modeling nature from nano to macro
Manuel Quesada
The research activity of Manuel Quesada-Pérez dates back to 1995, when he joined the Fluids and Biocolloids Group of the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Granada, where he did his doctoral thesis. Since then, his research activity, developed mostly at the University of Jaén, has been largely related to complex fluids and soft matter.
In addition, it can be distinguished three lines of research linked to several non-oriented fundamental research projects and two other lines related to studies for companies (such as REPSOL), of less diffusion and scientific production, but with more direct application. These lines are the following ones: 1) structure and dynamics of complex fluids; 2) theory and simulation of the electrical double layer; 3) simulation of gels, nanogels and polyelectrolytes; 4) optical techniques in immunodiagnostics (in relation to the research carried out for a company that is dedicated to the design of immunodiagnostic tests); 5) lubricants. In the development of these lines, he has had the opportunity to train in: i) experimental techniques of synthesis, cleaning and characterization of these systems; ii) optical techniques for the study of the structures they form; iii) integral equations used in the mechanical-statistical description of these systems; iv) Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The combination of experiments, theory and simulation has been very enriching for his training as a scientist and determinant for his research career.