modeling nature from nano to macro
Juan Manuel

Juan Manuel Melchor is Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of Granada (UGR) and Principal Investigator at the Institute of Biosanitary Research in Granada (IBS). He holds a degree in Mathematics and master degree in Physics, Mathematics with specialization on Biomathematics and master in Structural Mechanics with specialization on tissue mechanics from University of Granada (Spain). He worked as biostatician and mathematician for the Andalusian of Public Health School (EASP) during three years. On 2008, he started working with RARECARE team supported by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) of the European Commission, contributing to the definition of rare cancers and developing a data mining study of the quality control process. In 2016 he defended his awarded PhD in Architecture and Engineering focusing on tissular engineering, ultrasound, probability and their applications to biomedical fields. He is collaborating with universities like Manchester University (UK) and University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris), King College London,...
His main contributions impact on the definition of rare cancers in Europe, the participation on preterm birth assessment, new therapies against Melanoma, and COVID-19 statistical analysis. Finite elements methods, optimization, probabilistic inverse problems, biomechanical structures, elastography, damage modeling using ultrasound, ultrasonic bioreactors, nanoparticles, drug delivery are topics he is currently working on.
He teaches Biostatistics, Statistics and Mathematics at the undergraduate level in medicine and engineering. His postgraduate teaching is logistic regression (Master in Medicine), nondestructive testing and biomechanics (Master of Translational Medicine). He has supervised several projects, master thesis and undergraduate projects and thesis. Juan co-chaired several sessions on the European and World Congress on Biomechanics, computational applied mathematics, Computational Methods in Engineering, Ultrasound and acoustics. He serves as a reviewer and edtior in impact JCR journals as American Mathematical Society, Royal Society of Physics, Diagnostics, Frontiers in physiology, Nature.