modeling nature from nano to macro
José María
Jose María Gómez is Full Professor at the Departament of Ecology in the University of Granada (UGR) and Research Professor at the Departament of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology in the Estación Experimental de Zonas Áridas (EEZA-CSIC). During his phD between 1989 and1993 he worked on the interactions between a high mountain plant and its predispersal and postdispersal antagonists and mutualists. Afterwards, he was a postdoctoral associate during 1994-1995 at the Dpt of Rangeland of the Utah State University (USU) in Logan (USA). In 1996 he was Associate Professor in the Departament of Ecology of the University of Santiago in Lugo (Spain). In 1997 he returned to the UGR as an assistant professor until 2001 and as associate professor from 2001 to 2011, getting the full professorship in 2011. Since 2013 is associated to the CSIC, getting the research professorship in 2017. He is a visiting professor at the Department of Wildland Resources of the USU.
José María Gómez develops his works mainly in two research lines, Evolutionary Biology of Biotic Interactions (EBBI) and Conservation of Ecological Interactions (CEI), combining empirical (both experimental and observational), synthetic and theoretical approaches. Within EBBI, José María Gómez is motly interested in explaining the evolutionary and ecological profusion of generalist interactive systems in nature. To reach this goal, José María Gómez applies quantitative analytical tools from very disparate disciplines, such as phylogenetic and comparative biology, complex networks and ecological genetics, in order to develop a comprehensive framework for the study of generalist interactions. Within CEI, José María, on the basis that ecosystems are not static collection of species isolated from each other but are interactive dynamic systems, studies the fatal consequences that the extinction of ecological interactions has on the dynamic and functioning of many ecological communities.
José María is currently teaching two post-graduate course on bio-statistic in the UGR Master of Conservation, Management, and Restoration of the Biodiversity. He has supervised 12 phD students, supervising one more at the moment. He belongs to the editorial board of the journals Evolutionary Ecology and Ecology Letters. Since 2016 he is member of the panel LS8–Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology in the ERC Advanced Grants evaluation.
José María Gómez, PhD, is full professor at the Department of Ecology in the University of Granada. Currently he is at the Department of Evolutionary and Functional Ecology in the Experimental Station of Arid Zones (CSIC).