modeling nature from nano to macro

José Camacho is Professor with the Department of Signal Theory, Networking and Communication (http://tstc.ugr.es/), researcher in the Information and Communication Technologies Research Centre (http://citic.ugr.es/) and head of the Computational Data Science Laboratory (CoDaS Lab, https://codas.ugr.es/), all at the University of Granada, Spain. Additionally, he was founding member of ReKom Biotech, S.L. (http://www.rekombiotech.com/).
José holds a degree in Computer Science from the University of Granada (2003) and a Ph.D. from the Technical University of Valencia (2007), funded by the FPU program. His Ph.D. was awarded with the second Rosina Ribalta Prize to the best Ph.D. projects in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) from the EPSON Foundation, and with the D.L. Massart Award in Chemometrics from the Belgian Chemometrics Society. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Girona in 2009, granted by the Juan de la Cierva program, and was a Fulbright fellow in 2018 at the Dartmouth College, USA.
His research interests include exploratory data analysis, machine learning and inferential statistics with multivariate techniques applied to data of very different nature: computational biology, analytical chemistry, communication networks, health, and ecology, among others. He has authored more than 50 publications in impact journals (JCR), with 30 papers as first author and 4 as the only author, and a similar number of publications in conferences and workshops. He has participated in more than 20 research projects, valued in more than 1M€, and collaborate actively in several open software projects in Github, such as: MVBatch (https://github.com/jogonmar/ MVBatch), the Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis (MEDA) Toolbox (http://github.com/ josecamachop/MEDA-Toolbox) and the Feature as a Counter Parser (FCParser, https://github.com/ josecamachop/FCParser)
He has supervised 2 Ph.D Thesis, and more than 50 M.Sc. and B.Sc. Thesis, discussant in 12 Ph.D dissertations and reviewer of more than 100 papers. He belongs to the editorial board of the Journal of Chemometrics (from 2019) and Frontiers in Analytical Science (from 2021)