modeling nature from nano to macro
Guillermo Rus [PhD, Professor at UGR] is the Head and founder of the NDE Lab, Ultrasonics Group and IBS Biomechanics Group. He started his research on computational mechanics at the Universidad de Granada (UGR, 1995), where he disputed the PhD thesis on Numerical Methods for Nondestructive Identification of Defects (2001), providing defect search algorithms and sensitivity computation with Boundary Elements. He applied these experimentally at the NDE Lab at MIT (USA) as a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow, rendering novel robust quantitative approaches to ultrasonics and impact testing. He started up the NDE Lab as a lecturer at the UGR, 2003, focusing on interrogating complex materials ranging from CFRP to bone or soft tissue, merging expertise in mechanics, ultrasonics, inverse problems and computational modelling. He has been postdoc at UCL (UK), MIT (US), NASA (US), Paris 6 University (FR), Linköping Tekniska Högskola (SE), Chalmers (SE), TU Hamburg-Harburg (DE), and collaborates with Caltech (US), Hanyang University (KR), Rochester IT (US), Kings College (UK), etc.
His current interest is structural microarchitecture of soft tissue, recently becoming a cornerstone of biomechanical engineering of growing interest for a broad spectrum of clinical specialists. His new ultrasonic wave concepts are enabling a new class of biomarkers for both imaging and controlling in vivo and noninvasively tissue microarchitecture. The breakthrough of modelling its elastic hierarchical complexity impacts critical aspects including organ-level functionality, inflammatory and healing processes, tumour growth, all the way down to cell-to-cell signalling. He has: a) Conceived and developed torsional ultrasonic waves and sensor technologies capable of generating and sensing them, prototyping robust functional instrumentation. b) Modelled relationships between the biochemical cascade and the mechanical functionality and their interaction with ultrasound, integrating models of tissue remodelling and tumour growth, experimentally validated by ultrasonication of cancer stem cells.
He is currently tenured and accredited Professor, author of 100+ JCR indexed publications (>90% Q1, H index: 15, 900 citations), 100+ conference presentations, 20 invited seminar presentations, and reviewer of 30+ journals. His research career has been awarded the Best Paper Award of the Prognosis Health Management Society (France, 2014), Juan Carlos Simó Award for Young Researchers (Spain, 2007), Honorary Fellowship of the Wessex Institute of Technology (UK, 2005), Fulbright Fellowship (USA, 2002) and the PhD Extraordinary Award (Granada, 2001). He has an active role in promoting young research careers: he has supervised 5 PhD, all currently well positioned, supervises 5 postdocs and 6 stays of foreign researchers. The transfer is evident by having 5 patents and co-founding 2 spin-offs ( and