modeling nature from nano to macro
Enrique G.

Enrique G. Marin is Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics and Computer Technology at the University of Granada.
He received the Telecommunications and Electronic Engineer Degree (2010), and the MSc (2011) and PhD in Physics (2014) from the University of Granada (UGR), receiving corresponding honours from the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, Asociación de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación de Andalucía, and UGR.
He has been a research scientist at different European and international institutions including IBM Zurich, Switzerland (2013), Cornell University, NY, USA (2015) and the University of Pisa (2016-2018), accounting for over 3 years of international research experience. He has participated/collaborated in 9 H2020 European projects related to 2D materials and graphene nanoelectronics including the Graphene Flagship, QUEFORMAL (Quantum Engineering for Machine Learning), PEP2D (Printable Electronics on Paper through 2D materials based inks) and WASP (Wearable Applications enabled by electronic Systems on Paper), being currently the principal investigator at UGR of the project WASP.
He is author of over 90 scientific contributions in computational nanoelectronics in major journals and international conference proceedings, with a particular interest in multi-scale approaches, that range from first-principles calculations of the material properties up to device circuit models, employing the diversity of numerical methods existent between them to propose original device concepts based on 2D materials such as, spin filters, bio-sensors, 1D transistors, switches below the Boltzmann limit, choreographed graphene transistors, topological transistors, etc.
He teaches Nanostructures for Energy Generation and High Frequency Electronics to graduate students in the master degrees in Physics and Telecommunications Engineering at UGR, being a reviewer of several international high-impact journals.