Modeling Nature sponsors the plenary talks of the XVI Ecoflor meeting
The 16th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Group for Floral Ecology (EcoFlor) will take place in Granada from Thursday 14 to Saturday 16 March 2019. During these days, scientist will discuss new advances in floral biology (sensu lato) in a relaxed atmosphere.
Two plenary talks will be deliver:
Gonzalo Nieto-Feliner, from the Real Jardín Botanico of Madrid, will talk about the role of hybridization and introgression in evolution.
María Clara Castellanos from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom, will give a talk on the evolution and evolvability of floral traits.
ECOFLOR is the Spanish thematic network that brings together scientists interested in floral ecology and evolution.
March 14, 9:00 - 9:45 am, Aula Magna - Facultad de Ciencias
Prof. Gonzalo Nieto-Feliner (RJB Madrid):
The role of hybridization in evolution. Hybrid speciation, adaptive introgression and no man’s land in between?
March 15, 9:00 - 9:45 am, Aula Magna - Facultad de Ciencias
Dr. María Clara Castellanos (University of Sussex, UK):
Selection and heritability in the wild: understanding floral trait stasis and evolvability
Free admission
More information: Ecoflor2019